FIRST Robotics Competition Istanbul-Bosphorus Regionals

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There will be two international FIRST® Robotics Competition events organized in Turkey on March 6-8

and March 9-11 2020 that are free to attend as a spectator. These events will be held at Ulker Spor ve

Etkinlik Salonu in Ataşehir/İstanbul.

We would like to invite any interested high schools, or groups of high school students to form a team and

join this competition.

Fikret Yüksel Foundation: The Fikret Yüksel Foundation, is a U.S. based family foundation operating

primarily in Turkey to improve education for Turkey's youth. The Foundation carries out its mission by

organizing FIRST Robotics competition tournaments in Turkey, and supporting teams in Turkey. While

the Foundation only financially support teams within Turkey, there are many other resources available for

teams outside of Turkey, such as FIRST's new team growth grant, ( ) the application

for which is due by November 1st. Though the Foundation doesn't directly financially support teams from

other countries, it invites, and encourages teams from everywhere to start a FIRST Robotics Competition

team, and compete at events throughout the world, but especially here in Turkey. The experience gained

from the program is tremendous, and additionally the experience gained from travelling, both for your

team, and the Turkish students here who you will meet and get to know is valuable beyond explanation.

FIRST: FIRST ( F or I nspiration and R ecognition of S cience and T echnology) is a U.S. based public charity

that develops and organizes robotics competitions for pre-college students worldwide at four different

levels. ( FIRST Lego® League Junior(ages 6-10) FIRST Lego® League(ages 9-16) FIRST Tech

Challenge (grades 7-12) and FIRST Robotics Competition (High School).

" FIRST is more than robots. The robots are a vehicle for students to learn important life skills. Kids often

come in not knowing what to expect - of the program nor of themselves. They leave, even after the first

season, with a vision, with confidence, and with a sense that they can create their own future." FIRST

Founder - Dean Kamen.

Mission: The mission of FIRST® is to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders and

innovators, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering, and

technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including

self-confidence, communication, and leadership.

Vision: "To transform our culture by creating a world where science and technology are celebrated and

where young people dream of becoming science and technology leaders." Dean Kamen, Founder

Awards: Within the competition there are no cash prizes, however there are awards for a variety of

topics. Awards cover subjects including Digital Animation, Engineering Quality, Teamwork, Imagery,

Robot Performance, and the highest awards combine all of these plus their primary component, FIRST's

Philosophy - Gracious professionalism.

Gracious Professionalism is part of the ethos of FIRST. It's a way of doing things that encourages

high-quality work, emphasizes the value of others, and respects individuals and the community.

With Gracious Professionalism, fierce competition and mutual gain are not separate notions. Gracious

professionals learn and compete like crazy, but treat one another with respect and kindness in the

process. They avoid treating anyone like losers. No chest thumping tough talk, but no sticky-sweet

platitudes either. Knowledge, competition, and empathy are comfortably blended.

In the long run, Gracious Professionalism is part of pursuing a meaningful life. One can add to society and

enjoy the satisfaction of knowing one has acted with integrity and sensitivity.

Championships: 6-7 teams from each event will earn the right to compete at the World Championships

in either Detroit on April 29-May 2nd 2020 or Houston on April 15-18 2020.

Registration: The registration deadline for the competitions in spring 2020 is November 18th, 2019.

Process: On January 4th, 2020, the game animation and rules manual for the competition will be

released at the same time to every team competing, and teams will receive their kit of parts ( ) at this time. The rules are set in order to keep the competition both safe and fair

for every team, new, old, rich, poor, all teams have the same opportunity to succeed in this competition.

The game changes every year as well, in order to keep the program both fun, and fair.

In order to join the competition you will need:

At least 2 adult mentors to help guide the team through the process - they won't do all the work, but they

will help the team find answers and learn how to complete necessary tasks.

Generally at least 10 high school students to split the workload of the team between

A dedicated space to build the robot, and various tools and supplies beyond what is in the kit of parts to

build the robot.


Phone: +90 541 345 73 89


Fikret Yüksel Foundation:


Yayın Tarihi: 30.10.2019